Thursday, February 21, 2008

Exercise vs. Love

[ pics from Deviant art; editted by Bee ]

To improve my Listening Skill, I use a book named Inside out [ Sue Kay & Vaughan Jones ]. This book not only helps me in listening but also gives me many interesting knowledges. A few days ago, when I was studying about Body and Health, there was one thing that I really want to share with you. And I hope you all will be fond of it :D

The 'happy hormones' that are released during exercise are called endorphins. They are the reason you feel so high when you have had a good work-out. It's a good idea to do exercise when you're feeling run down or stressed. The exercise releases these endorphins and you end up feeling much better than before. It's the same feeling you get when you're falling in love - but just doing exercise is probably less complicated.

According to the article above, you can infer that exercising is not the only way which can help you feel good everyday. Love is also good for your health >:) So if you are so busy with studying and don't have enough time to exercise, then you should spend more time loving :)) Although loving is more complicated than exercising, it is also more pleasant >:)

Written by _. Bee ._